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Glastonbury is very much the spiritual, and mystical centre of the universe, with a long history of legend and myth. Our 4 acre site which Yastonbury is set within forms a big part of this Glastonbury Legend and History:-
Only a 10 minute walk from Glastonbury town centre and situated on the South foot of Wearyall Hill with beautiful views of the Tor you will find Yastonbury.
An Ancient Spring named The Mother Spring, which forms one of Glastonbury’s nine Sacred Springs is situated in the middle of our site and on the spot where St Michael’s Ley Line and Mary’s Ley Line run through with their converging energies meeting.

Just below The Mother Spring, an archaeologist dig in the early 1980’s found an area which is believed to be an ancient Roman Port.
This port in legend is where Joseph of Arimathea is believed to have landed along with Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Grail containing the blood of Jesus Christ following Christ crucifixion around 36AD. This site is situated within our 4 acres of Sacred land. A raised ridge can still be seen today, where it is believed the ancient Roman Port was once located. From this port beneath Wearyall Hill Joseph of Arimathea walked to the top of Wearyall Hill and thrust his staff into the ground, the next morning the staff had sprouted into a white-blossomed thorn bush, named the Glastonbury Holy Thorn. To this day trees said to be descended from the Holy Thorn survive and flower twice a year including every Christmas. It is said The Angel Gabriel also appeared to Joseph whilst he was in Glastonbury instructing him to build a Church dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. In faithful obedience Joseph and his companions constructed a little wattle-and-daub chapel, the first Christian Church built in Britain, perhaps Europe and outside of the Holy Land.
It is also believed that Jesus visited Glastonbury during the lost bible years between the age of 12 and 30. If true, he would have landed at the same site years previously when visiting nearby tin mines around the Mendip Hills and Cornwall along with Joseph of Arimathea. It is written that Jesus may have built the first wattle-and-daub church with the Lords own hands, again in Glastonbury.
The hymn and poem Jerusalem are based on the story that Jesus visited England with Joseph of Arimathea, whom some believe was a rich trader relative of Jesus thought to have been his uncle.